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Freyja Friday #3 and an Apology to My Readers

Updated: Feb 28, 2022

Hello, everyone, and Merry Meet! I would like to apologize for posting articles so sporadically. I'm sorry. My mental health has been in the gutter and I've been extremely unmotivated. I'm gonna try to post Freyja Fridays every other week, stories about haunted places, cryptids, or weird things every 9-13 days, and articles about pagan holidays, festivals, and rituals every time they come around. (Wow, what a run-on sentence!)

As always, I'm gladly taking requests about what I should write about. This blog post will be a spell I wrote and performed for an ex-lover I've known in multiple past lives, and hopefully, the next post will be about Lupercalia and Valentine's. (I'm aware Valentine's Day isn't pagan, but it's so much fun.) Now let's jump into this spell.

This is a spell for anti-depression, anti-anxiety, self-love, protection, self-acceptance, and breaking out of your shell. You can do this for yourself and for others.

You will need:

  • A jar with a lid that fits properly.

  • White wax for sealing.

  • Mugwort to protect their soul, energy, and mind, and to aid in mental and spiritual healing.

  • Chamomile to bring joy into their life and a smile to their face.

  • Hibiscus for self-love and self-acceptance.

  • Ash to absorb negative energy and beings headed their way or negative things already harming them.

  • Full moon water to make the spell more powerful every time the moon is full.

  • A blessed and cleansed key of any kind to charge the spell more every new moon.

  • A custom sigil corresponding to the spell's purpose.

What to do:

CAST YOUR FRIGGIN' CIRCLE AND PROTECT YOURSELF. I'm one to fuck around, find out, ask questions later, and I don't want my kind of dumbfuckery and memory loss to be a kind of thing you will have to deal with.

Paint the sigil you have created on the underside of the jar lid with purple paint and let it dry. If you don't have paint, you can use a permanent marker. Add ingredients to the jar in the order they are listed and remember what purpose you're adding them for. Sometimes as I scoop my herbs and place them in spells, I say what they are going to do. For example, I take a pinch of mugwort and tell it, "You are to protect this man and heal him."

Once that is done, say this as you are sealing the jar...

Let their sorrows never tear.

Let their fear never linger.

Let their joy be boundless.

Let their love and kindness to themself stay.

May their night never be sleepless.

May their mind be at peace.

May their heart be calm and tender.

May their depression and anxiety be kept at bay.

This spell works out for their highest good.

This is my will, so mote it be.

And so it is.

And so it shall be.

Extra Badass Witch Blessing: May the deities and guides that watch us be kind and aid us always.

If you don't have these ingredients, be resilient like the stunning witch you are.

Almost every day, I shake this little jar and whisper, "I love you," in hopes my words will reach him across 1,338 miles and make his day better and much more bearable.

To my lovely readers, if there are any, I LOVE you, you CAN do anything, you ARE fantastic and powerful. Blessed Be and stay safe, you spooky sweethearts.


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